
Problem with Your Attorney

Do you have a dispute with your attorney? Need help?

How to File a Complaint

Under no circumstances should you feel it necessary to continue to be represented by a lawyer who you are dissatisfied with, but don’t act hastily.

Often a conference with the lawyer can ease your concerns. He or she may not be aware of your dissatisfaction. It is always your choice about which lawyer you want to represent you. And note: A dismissed lawyer may be entitled to a fee for services actually rendered.

Should you decide to discontinue using your lawyer, that lawyer has certain obligations and duties to you such as returning all documents and papers in possession, filing the necessary withdrawal stipulations with the court and helping your new lawyer become familiar with your case.

If you find or suspect a lawyer’s conduct to be unethical, you have the right to file a complaint with the attorney disciplinary authorities, the Office of Disciplinary Counsel, District II, 820 Adams Avenue, Suite 170, Trooper, PA 19403, Phone: 610-650-8210, Fax: 610-650-8213.

Solve Fee Disputes with Your Lawyer

If you have a fee dispute with your lawyer, consider arbitration as an option.

You must agree to attend an informal conference before the Fee Dispute Committee, in the presence of the attorney against whom your complaint is lodged. You must also agree to be bound by the decision of the Fee Dispute Committee and will not file any appeal to any court. The Committee will not hear any case until you and the attorney agree to appear before the Fee Dispute Committee.

This Committee conducts hearings on complaints initiated by clients of lawyers on Montgomery County matters or Montgomery County lawyers to determine whether those attorneys have charged reasonable fees. The committee has been instrumental in resolving disagreements between attorneys and clients that would have otherwise resulted in expensive and time-consuming litigation.

  • For more information, call the Montgomery Bar Association at 610-279-9660 for more information.
  • To file a Fee Dispute, please fill out the Montgomery Bar Association Fee Dispute Hearing Request Form.

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