Other Ways to Give

Tribute and Memorial Gifts

Making a gift to advance the cause of justice is a truly special way to pay tribute to a friend, family or colleague, mark a special occasion or achievement, or honor the memory of a beloved family member or friend.

Your contribution will be acknowledged with a personalized card sent to the honored individual or family - without reference, of course, to the the amount of the gift.

Tribute Gifts mark special occasions such as weddings, birthdays, anniversaries and graduations.  Looking for the perfect gift for the person who has everything?  A gift toward the cause of justice is something they will truly appreciate.

Memorial Gifts express your sympathy or remember a loved one.

Click here to make your Tribute or Memorial Gift.  Your gift may also be mailed to the Montgomery Bar Foundation, P.O. Box 238, Norristown, PA 19404.

Please remember to include the name and address of the person who should be notified of your thoughtfulness!


Donate Appreciated Stock

The Donating appreciated securities (stocks, bonds, or mutual funds held for more than one year) is an excellent way to support the Montgomery Bar Foundations, and may provide a greater tax benefit than an equivalent gift in cash.

A gift of stock owned for more than one year entitles you to an income tax charitable deduction for the full fair market value of the donated asset.  If the stock has appreciated, you also avoid any capital gains tax on the appreciation.  We strongly encourage you to consult with your tax professional regarding the extent to which your donation is tax-deductible.

How to make a gift of stock:

Kindly contact us, or have your broker contact us at 610-994-3667 or by email at to arrange for a transfer of stock.

Please be prepared to provide the following information:  your name, telephone number, the name of the stock, number of shares, the approximate date you will make the gift, approximate value of the gift, and the designation for your gift (Annual Fund, Endowment, Tribute and Memorial Gifts, etc.).  If you are using a broker, please provide his or her name and telephone number.


Estate Bequests - The Harvey F. Strauss Legacy Society

It can be difficult to contemplate one’s own mortality.  However, there is comfort in planning your estate, putting things in order and creating a legacy that reflects your guiding principles.  Having dedicated your career to the cause of justice, The Montgomery Bar Foundation encourages you to incorporate this into your estate planning.  

As the charitable affiliate of the Montgomery Bar Association, the Bar Foundation is dedicated to advancing the cause of justice by awarding grants to organizations that provide free legal assistance and law-related services to the most vulnerable members of our community.  Faced with crime, poverty, abuse and discrimination, these vital services help ensure that these individuals have someone fighting in their corner.   

The Bar Foundation’s grants are made possible by private charitable donations from individuals who share our commitment to access to justice.  The Bar Foundation also manages the Permanent Fund, which is dedicated to ensuring that the Bar Foundation can continue to provide support for these vital services into the future. 

The Harvey F. Strauss Legacy Society recognizes and honors individuals who have included the Bar Foundation in their estate planning.  The Society is named in honor of a friend and colleague who has dedicated his entire career to leveling the playing field for all members of our community.  For nearly 40 years, as a staff attorney, then Executive Director of Montgomery County Legal Aid (now Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania), Harvey worked tirelessly to build a cadre of skilled and dedicated advocates and help steer the organization through many storms. 

Organizations such as LASP, which ensure equal access to justice, are chronically under-funded.  The situation has become particularly acute in recent years.  Funding cuts and declining private support challenge their ability to respond to the need that grows each year.  The Montgomery Bar Foundation is proud to serve as one of the few sources of operating support for these organizations, and is committed to increasing its support in the years to come. 

By providing the Montgomery Bar Foundation in your estate, you will help make this possible.  Legacy gifts can be directed to support the Bar Foundation’s annual activities or to the Permanent Fund.  Your estate planning professional can advise you regarding how to effectuate your intended gift.   Please be sure to advise us of your bequest so we can properly acknowledge it. 

If you would like additional information or would like to join the Harvey F. Strauss Legacy Society, please contact the Montgomery Bar Foundation at 610-994-3667.