
Montgomery County Law Reporter - Advertising Rates and Forms

2024 Legal Ads Rate Sheet and Forms

(Effective January 1, 2023)

For FLAT RATE ADS, please click on the links below to fill out the form and process payment online. For other ads, please contact Jessica Gambone at or by phone at 610-994-3661.

The deadline for submission of all Commercial and Classified Advertising is 2:00 P.M. on Tuesdays, for the following Thursday’s Issue. Deadlines are subject to change due to holidays. Contact the Law Reporter for assistance. 

Legal Ad types: FLAT RATE PER AD

Price: $107.00 ($97.00 Plus $10.00 for Proof of Publication)

* Add $10.00 for each owner after two for Fictitious Name advertising.

Legal Ad types: CHARACTER COUNT (Minimum $107.00)

Price: $9.00 Per 100 characters Plus $10.00 for Proof of Publication

2024 Commercial Ad Rates

  1 Time 4 Times 13 Times 26 Times 52 Times
Full Page Template (Size 5"x7.5") $425.00 $485.00 $1,281.00 $1,932.00 $3,087.00
Back or Inside Cover       $2,175.00 $3,333.00
1/2 Page (Size 5 " x 3.5") $220.00 $441.00 $1,000.00 $1,330.00 $1,875.00
1/3 Page (Size 5" x 2.25") $168.00 $315.00 $630.00 $760.00 $1,080.00
CLE Advertising: Full Page 1/2 Page 1/3 Page
  $315.00 $275.00 $220.00

Classified Ads: Our cost for classified ads is $1.00 per word per issue, including header. (Minimum charge is $30.00) (Times New Roman; 10 pt.)

DISCLAIMER: Notices must be submitted in typewritten form and are published exactly as submitted by the advertiser.  Neither the Montgomery County Law Reporter nor the printer will assume any responsibility to edit, make spelling corrections, eliminate errors in grammar or make any changes in content.  The Montgomery County Law Reporter maintains sole editorial discretion and reserves the right to refuse publication of any submission.