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Posted on: May 3, 2024

New Montgomery County Register of Wills Uses Technology to Increase Efficiency

Montgomery County Register of Wills and Clerk of the Orphans’ Court, Tina Lawson, has had a whirlwind first 100 days of office – rising to the challenge to improve overall efficiency and operation of the office.

Within a month of taking office in January 2024, Lawson has worked to clear the backlog of the processing of inheritance tax returns. The office is also the agent for the State of Pennsylvania in the collection of inheritance taxes, averaging $200 million annually. Just last week the office collected over $10 million in Inheritance taxes resulting in increased revenue for the County and State.

Lawson observed that the office’s staff were “working harder, not smarter,” and began incorporating needed technology, including check processors and scanners, and each employee is equipped with a double monitor to make their jobs easier. Lawson predicts that the efficiencies provide better support to residents seeking such services as a marriage license, filing Inheritance tax returns, submitting Orphans’ Court filings and probating of estates.

“I’m trying to make the office run more efficiently,” she said. “(Residents) need services. We need to be responsive.”

Now, instead of keeping a handwritten log of the many checks received per day, Lawson and her staff are scanning checks. The office has also recently changed its phone system to make sure every call is answered.

“We brought every employee in initially and asked ‘what are you doing? How can we make this easier for you?’” Lawson said, adding that staff had previously worked piecemeal completing a task before passing it to another employee and then another. “Now they can do the work from beginning to end.”

To ensure tasks are completed seamlessly, Lawson upgraded the office’s software and is adding credit card machines.  Employees are excited about the upgrades, including the planning of a new state-of-the-art video conference room that’s being transformed from a storage room.

“We have to be accessible to the public,” she said. “The technology we put in place will help constituents coming to the office in person or applying online obtain services a bit faster.”

In addition, under Lawson’s leadership, the office is beta testing a new self-scheduling feature that will allow residents to complete online filings and schedule appointments online for probates and marriage licenses.

The next step to increasing efficiency is to go paperless, which Lawson is moving toward with the addition of scanners.

“We’re cutting down on paper,” she said. “We’re cutting down on time to accomplish tasks. We’re making it all very efficient.”

Lawson is planning an open house very soon so that constituents can see the amazing changes.

Lawson, a longtime Upper Dublin resident, has been an attorney in the probates and Estates field for the last 30 years. She hopes to impress upon the general public the grave importance of creating Estate planning documents, including Wills. She also intends to help the office engage with the public about the services the Register of Wills offers.

To help get her message out about the revamped Register of Wills, Lawson plans to offer educational seminars. The new Register will also perform community outreach at community fairs, senior centers, local events and through partnering with a variety of organizations and governmental agencies.

Posted on: Jan 10, 2024


Lisa Shearman

I am truly honored to serve as President of your Montgomery Bar Association.  When I was elected as Secretary of the MBA in 2020, I could never have imagined what the next four years would bring.  Almost immediately, we began searching for a new Executive Director and then were confronted with the COVID pandemic, the effects of which will leave a lasting imprint on all of us.  Yet, we learned how to adapt and pivot with new and innovative ways to stay connected and still practice law.  I am in awe at the resiliency of our members and the MBA team. 

I am very excited to lead our MBA for the next year.  Already I get one extra day as President, with 2024 being a leap year.  We have lots of events planned and I am especially excited to bring everyone to Annapolis in September.  Annapolis holds very special memories for me, so it seemed like a great place to bring our members and our Bench together.  I hope to build upon all the great work of my predecessors with a focus on service and giving back to our community.  It seems very apropos that my incoming message is in our Giving Issue.  Community involvement and pro bono service have always been very important to me, so I love to see all the good charitable work of our members.  My parents instilled in me and my sisters, the importance of helping others in our community.  We often helped my mom at volunteer events and shopped at Christmas for less fortunate families. I believe we have a responsibility to pay it forward.  No matter the path each of us has taken to make our way to this career and this point in our lives, we are all in position to share our skills, gifts, time and talents.  To echo the words of Nelson Mandella, “We can change the world and make it a better place. It is in our hands to make a difference.”  The accomplishments of this Bar Association are already evident.  The Access to Justice Summit held in October 2023 brought together community organizations and leaders in our legal community to identify areas of need, ways to bridge the gaps and offer ways that we can help.  One big takeaway was the need for more volunteers.  Organizations have seen a decline in volunteers, particularly since 2020.  With Nancy Walsh’s help and others in our focus group, we want to work together to counter this trend.  I intend to work closely with our Sections and Committees, and in particular the Pro Bono, Access to Justice and Community Service Committee, in order to offer numerous opportunities for everyone to get involved. In addition, we want to recognize all members who have provided service, particularly our military veterans, and those who volunteer their time, whether for pro bono legal services, community activities and outreach, or just to help a friend or neighbor.  This past year, the Pro Bono Committee created an annual award to recognize attorneys who have provided 50 or more pro bono hours during the year.  In the first year, there were 20 recipients.  I would love to see that number double this coming year.  In addition, the MBA is now registered to be a provider of The President’s Volunteer Service Award recognizing all volunteer service.  More information on this program will be forthcoming shortly.  Of course, all of this hard work aligns with our mission and the work of our charitable arm, the Montgomery Bar Foundation. We have a full year ahead and am eager to get to work.  With the help of my very capable officers, our Board of Directors, our Executive Director, Denise Vicario, the hardworking MBA Team and the guidance of many, I look forward to a wonderful 2024. 



Posted on: Jan 7, 2024


BLUE BELL, PA - On Friday, January 5, 2024, the Montgomery Bar Association (MBA) held its Annual Business Meeting at Blue Bell Country Club. Over 200 members, legal professionals and community leaders attended the event which included the election of the MBA’s officers for 2024, an awards presentation to honor outstanding contributions to the MBA and community, as well as the installation of its new president, Lisa A. Shearman with the ceremonial passing of the gavel.

Lisa Shearman is a principal at the Lansdale law firm of Hamburg, Rubin, Mullin, Maxwell and Lupin, PC and chairs their Estates and Trusts Department. Shearman is a Fellow of The American College of Trust and Estate Counsel and has over 30 years of experience advising and implementing simple to sophisticated estate plans for clients with a special focus on business continuity, succession, the reduction of estate taxes and preservation of wealth. Her practice also includes estate administration and post-mortem planning along with trust administration and the preparation of Inheritance Tax, Federal Estate and Gift Tax and Fiduciary Income Tax Returns. In addition, Lisa assists clients with the formation and operation of tax-exempt organizations including private foundations. She has a substantial track record of successfully representing beneficiaries of estate and trusts in will contests, trust disputes and more in Orphans’ Court and has an active practice representing clients in guardianship matters.

Lisa Shearman’s commitment to both the state and county bar associations and to the community runs deep. She is a past Chair of the Montgomery Bar Association’s Probate and Tax Section, and serves as a Zone 9 Delegate for the Pennsylvania Bar Association (PBA), where she’s also an active member of the Real Property, Probate and Tax Section. She serves on several Boards, including the Montgomery Bar Foundation, Building Bridges Foundation, and the Wills for Heroes Foundation. Among other professional accolades,  Lisa is past recipient of the PBA’s President’s Special Achievement Award and Montgomery Bar Foundation’s Milton O. Moss Community Service Award.

A graduate of the University of Scranton (B.S. 1989), Lisa received her law degree from Widener University in 1992 and her LL.M. in Taxation from Villanova University School of Law in 1994.

For the 2024 Bar Year, Seth D. Wilson, Esq. of Morris Wilson Knepp Jacquette, P.C. in Conshohocken will serve as will serve as President-Elect;  Colin J. O'Boyle, Esq. of Elliott Greenleaf P.C. in Blue Bell will serve as Vice President;  Hon. Joseph P. Walsh of Walsh Pancio, LLC in Colmar will serve as Treasurer; and  Mary Kay Kelm, Esq. of Kilcoyne & Kelm, LLC in Colmar will serve as Secretary.

Also of Note: Nathan M. Murawsky, Esq. of Hamburg, Rubin, Mullin, Maxwell & Lupin, P.C. will serve as President of the MBA’s Trial Lawyers Section, Robert M. Sebia, Esq. of Elliott Greenleaf P.C. was named Chair of the MBA’s Young Lawyers Section, Elizabeth Early, Esq. of Boyd & Early Family Law, LLP was named Chair of the MBA’s Family Law Section, and Rebecca Sallen, Esq., of Sallen Law, LLC  will continue as Chair of the MBA’s Probate and Tax Section.

In addition to new leadership being appointed, the following community awards were given:

MBA Lifetime Achievement Award
Sponsored by The Pugh Family Lawyers

Awarded to The Honorable Mason Avrigian

Hon. Mason Avrigian, counsel to the firm Wisler Pearlstine LLP is a former Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Montgomery County’s 38th Judicial District (1977 through 1982). 
Regretfully Hon. Mason Avrigian was unable to attend this year’s Annual Business Meeting Luncheon, so accepting on his behalf was longtime friend and law partner Amy P. De Shong, Esq.

Hon. Horace A. Davenport Diversity Award

Awarded to The Honorable Garrett D. Page

The Honorable Garrett D. Page of the 38th Judicial District Court of Common Please in Montgomery County, PA received the prestigious Horace A. Davenport Diversity Award. 
Presenting the award was 2023 President Justin A. Bayer, Esq., a Partner at the law firm of Kane, Pugh, Knoell, Troy & Kramer, LLP.

Committee of the Year Award

Awarded to The MBA Judiciary Committee

The Judiciary Committee of the Montgomery Bar Association is charged with interviewing and rating candidates for the position of judge of the Court of Common Pleas.
The Committee is composed of lawyers of diverse backgrounds, ages, practices and geographic areas. 
Accepting on behalf of the  Committee were Co-chairs Joan Orsini-Ford, Esq. (Left) and Eric B. Smith, Esq. (Right). Presenting the award was 2023 President Justin A. Bayer, Esq(Center).

President's Award

Awarded to the MBA’s “Meditation Team”

Meditation has been proven to relieve stress and anxiety, while increasing patience, focus, and imagination. Free morning meditation sessions are held virtually and led by members of the MBA’s “Meditation Team” from 7:30 AM - 7:50 AM, Monday - Friday, and afternoon sessions from 3:30 - 3:45 PM on Tuesday - Thursday. John I. McMahon, Jr., Esq. along with several others in attendance accepted the award on behalf of the Meditation Team. Those pictured in the group shot from left to right are: Adam D. Zucker, Esq., Honorable Garrett D. Page, Jacqueline M. Reynolds, Esq., John I. McMahon, Jr., Esq., and Montgomery County Court Administrator Michael R. Kehs, Esq.

This year's Annual Business Luncheon Meeting was co-sponsored by ARCpoint Labs of King of Prussia and Morgan Wentworth LLC

Click here to view more photos from this year’s Annual Business Meeting Luncheon.



Posted on: Oct 20, 2023

The horrible and senseless terrorist attacks in Israel have deeply impacted many in our community and have been rightfully condemned by our elected officials. We offer our sincere condolences and support to all impacted. Words seem inadequate at times like this, but the Montgomery Bar Association continues to offer support to all our members and community members who have been impacted by the devastating acts of terrorism.

The Montgomery Bar Association joins with other bar associations and world leaders in calling for an end to this horrific and senseless violence targeting civilians, the release of all hostages, and for all to respect the rule of law. 

For anyone interested, here is a link to support the Israeli Red Cross: Magen David Adom - AFMDA

Montgomery Bar Association

Posted on: Jul 25, 2023

The Judiciary Committee of the Montgomery Bar Association is charged with interviewing and rating candidates for the position of Judge on the Court of Common Pleas. The Judiciary Committee is composed of 34 lawyers of diverse backgrounds, ages, practices and geographic areas of Montgomery County with several hundred years of combined legal experience.

The Committee is charged to rate a sitting Judge as recommended for retention or not recommended for retention.

The Committee considers and rates the candidates on the following criteria:

   Good moral character;
   Good health;
   Legal ability;
   Bench trial, jury trial or evidentiary hearing experience;
   Judicial temperament (patience, courtesy, compassion, impartiality, humility, even temper, sense of fairness).

The Bar considers this process a service to educate the public concerning judicial candidates.

The Montgomery Bar Association RECOMMENDS that the following Judges be retained:

The Honorable William R. Carpenter - RECOMMENDED

The Honorable Steven T. O’Neill - RECOMMENDED

The Honorable Thomas P. Rogers - RECOMMENDED

The Honorable Steven C. Tolliver - RECOMMENDED

The Honorable Gail A. Weilheimer - RECOMMENDED

About the Montgomery Bar Association’s Autonomous Judiciary Committee

In its present form since 1965, the Committee is a non-partisan, autonomous and self-governing committee within the Montgomery Bar Association charged with the obligation to pass upon the qualifications of every candidate for the office of Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, and to advise the public accordingly.  The Committee is composed of the Association’s ten most recent Past-Presidents as well as elected rotating panels of 24 of the Association’s members-at-large.  The Committee’s members are lawyers of diverse background, ages, practices and geographic areas of Montgomery County and hundreds of years of collective legal experience.

Posted on: Jun 27, 2023




Effective July 5, 2023, the Court will commence a new Detention/Gagnon Hearing Officer Program.  The purpose of this Program is to provide an expedited detention hearing for individuals detained by the Court post-sentence, and to provide an expedited Gagnon hearing process.  The Hearing Officer will conduct record detention hearings, Gagnon I hearings and uncontested Gagnon II hearings.  Hearings will be conducted daily at the Montgomery County Correctional Facility courtroom.  The Hearing Officer will make recommendations to the Court for disposition of said matters.  Contested Gagnon II hearings will continue to be heard by a Judge.  

The Court has appointed two former Magisterial District Judges as Hearing Officers – the Hon. Walt Gadzicki and the Hon. Frank Bernhardt.  

Thank you.      

Michael R. Kehs, Esq.
District Court Administrator

Posted on: Mar 30, 2023

From the Pennsylvania Bar Association (PBA):

HARRISBURG, Pa. (March 28, 2023) — The Pennsylvania Bar Association Judicial Evaluation Commission (PBA JEC) has released its final list of ratings for judicial candidates seeking to fill one open seat on the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, two seats on the Superior Court of Pennsylvania and one seat on the Commonwealth Court.

Each candidate requesting an evaluation by the PBA JEC is eligible to receive a rating of “Highly Recommended,” “Recommended” or “Not Recommended.”


Highly Recommended

Judge Carolyn T. Carluccio (Montgomery County)
Judge Deborah A. Kunselman (Beaver County)
Judge Daniel D. McCaffery (Philadelphia County)

Not Recommended

Judge Patricia A. McCullough (Dauphin County) – for failure to participate


Highly Recommended

Jill L. Beck (Allegheny County)
Judge Timika R. Lane (Philadelphia County)

Judge Harry F. Smail Jr. (Westmoreland County)

Not Recommended

Maria Battista (Clarion County) – for failure to participate
Judge Patrick F. Dugan (Philadelphia County) – for failure to participate



Megan L. Martin (Cumberland County)
Bryan S. Neft (Allegheny County)
Judge Matthew S. Wolf (Philadelphia County)

Not Recommended

Joshua G. Prince (Berks County)

A descriptive paragraph about each candidate’s rating and links to each candidate’s questionnaire and signed Judicial Candidate’s Pledge are below for each candidate completing the JEC evaluation process.

“Our nonpartisan commission has a sole mission of providing voters with an objective evaluation and rating for each potential candidate,” said PBA JEC Chair Charles Eppolito III, a past president of the PBA. “The ‘recommended’ and ‘highly recommended’ candidates are those the commission found to have the legal ability, experience, integrity and temperament needed to provide satisfactory or outstanding levels of performance on the appellate courts’ benches and, therefore, are best suited to serve as fair, impartial and knowledgeable jurists on our state’s highest courts.”

The PBA JEC based its ratings for each candidate on a two-part evaluation process. Investigative panels conducted the first phase of the process, which included personal interviews with the candidates and with individuals who have had professional or personal dealings with them. Upon completion of the investigative process, the panels submitted confidential reports to the commission.

Upon receipt and review of the investigative panel’s report, the commission conducted the second phase of the evaluation process. The commission interviewed each candidate, reviewed numerous materials regarding each candidate, discussed his or her qualifications and reached consensus on each candidate’s rating.

All of the PBA JEC-rated potential candidates have signed the Judicial Candidate’s Pledge, which references Judicial Campaign Advertising Guidelines, that states they and members of their campaign staffs will observe standards of conduct consistent with the integrity, impartiality and independence of the judiciary, and that they and members of their campaign staffs will “identify and familiarize ourselves with all applicable laws and regulations regarding my campaign and to conduct ourselves accordingly.”

The commission includes lawyer and nonlawyer members from across the state. Serving with Eppolito in the leadership of the PBA JEC is lawyer Brian J. Lindsay of Crawford County, who is the commission’s vice chair. Additional lawyer members are Rodney R. Akers of Dauphin County, Ann L. Begler of Allegheny County, Joseph D. Burke of Luzerne County, Nicholas A. Dalessio of Dauphin County, Lara J. Endler of Luzerne County, Jessica Lynn Harlow of Lehigh County, George B. Kaufman of Somerset County, Marisa H. Lattimore of Montgomery County, Melissa M. Leininger of Dauphin County and Riley H. Ross III of Philadelphia County. Nonlawyer members are Mary A. Coploff of Clinton County, William Deane (out of state), Alan Gross of Lancaster County, Marcy A. King of Butler County, Christine Stone of Allegheny County and Robert N. Thomas of Erie County.


Highly Recommended: The candidate possesses the highest combination of legal ability, experience, integrity and temperament and would be capable of outstanding performance as a judge or justice of the court for which he/she is a candidate.

Recommended: Based on legal ability, experience, integrity and temperament, the candidate would be able to perform satisfactorily as a judge or justice of the court for which he/she is a candidate.

Not Recommended: Based on legal ability, experience, integrity or temperament, or any combination thereof, at the present time, the candidate is inadequate to perform satisfactorily as a judge or justice of the court for which he/she is a candidate.


Judge Carolyn T. Carluccio
Rating: Highly Recommended

The candidate has ably served as a Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas judge since 2009. She was unanimously elected by her peers to serve as president judge in 2022, making her the first female to hold the position. Previously, the candidate served as an assistant United States attorney in the District of Delaware and chief public defender in Montgomery County, during which time she gained extensive trial experience. Past job experiences also included service as chief deputy solicitor and acting director of human resources in Montgomery County. During her tenure on the bench, she has presided over criminal, civil, juvenile and family court matters. The candidate is a well-respected jurist, described by those appearing before her as highly intelligent, energetic, courteous, respectful and fair. Her colleagues described her as hardworking, industrious and even-tempered. Her opinions are well written and well-reasoned. She is active in many organizations, including the Pennsylvania Conference of State Trial Judges and Montgomery Bar Association, where she holds or has held various leadership positions. She also has a record of community involvement throughout her career. The commission finds that the candidate meets the rigorous standards set forth and possesses the highest combination of legal ability, experience, integrity and excellent judicial temperament. The commission is confident that the candidate would serve with distinction as a Supreme Court justice and, therefore, highly recommends her candidacy.

Read the candidate’s questionnaire.

See the candidate’s signed Judicial Candidate’s Pledge.

Judge Deborah A. Kunselman
Rating: Highly Recommended

The candidate has ably served as a Superior Court of Pennsylvania judge since 2018. Previously, she served as a Court of Common Pleas of Beaver County judge between 2006 and 2017. Prior to serving as a judge, the candidate had a 13-year career as an attorney with a private practice devoted to civil litigation, family and employment law matters while serving for eight years as assistant and then chief solicitor to Beaver County. Colleagues describe her experience as vast, owing both to her varied private practice and service on the Beaver County bench which required that she address legal issues across a broad spectrum of civil, criminal and family law proceedings. She has a reputation for being a thoughtful appellate decision-maker, open to persuasion, and proceeding in each matter with integrity and high character. Throughout her career, the candidate has also evidenced a deep commitment to serving the community. Carrying service to her role as jurist, she has sought to promote the improvement of appellate advocacy and provided insight in addressing mental and emotional health challenges that can impact individuals in both private and public life. The commission is confident the candidate is exceptionally well-qualified to serve as a member of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania and, therefore, highly recommends her candidacy.

Read the candidate’s questionnaire.

See the candidate’s signed Judicial Candidate’s Pledge.

Judge Daniel D. McCaffery
Rating: Highly Recommended

The candidate is an experienced jurist known for his high degree of professionalism, good judicial temperament and strong work ethic. His legal career has taken several paths that allowed the candidate to attain substantial experience in a variety of areas. He served as an assistant district attorney of Philadelphia from 1991 to 1996, rising to a leadership role in the Major Trials Unit. He was employed from 1997 to 2000 as an associate and from 2001 to 2013 as a partner in a law firm. He served as a judge on the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas between 2014 and 2019, and during his tenure made several important administrative contributions. From January 2020 to present, he has served ably as a Superior Court of Pennsylvania judge. He has a sound knowledge of legal principles. His opinions and legal writings are well written and well-reasoned. In addition, the candidate has a demonstrated record of community involvement. Before commencing his legal education, he served on active duty in the U.S. Army for two years followed by a four-year commitment in the Army Reserve. Because of his broad experience as a practicing attorney, proven record of judicial leadership, high ethical standards and dedication to the legal profession and the community, the commission is confident the candidate would serve with distinction as a Supreme Court justice and, therefore, highly recommends his candidacy. 

Read the candidate’s questionnaire.

See the candidate’s signed Judicial Candidate’s Pledge.

Judge Patricia A. McCullough
Rating: Not Recommended (for failure to participate)


Maria Battista
Rating: Not Recommended (for failure to participate)

Jill L. Beck
Rating: Highly Recommended

The candidate practices in the areas of commercial litigation, discrimination and appellate matters at a law firm. She previously served in clerkships for the Superior Court of Pennsylvania and Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, where she gained a decade of appellate court experience drafting hundreds of opinions related to civil, criminal, family and juvenile law and orphan’s court matters. Prior to her clerkships, the candidate practiced at KidsVoice Inc., managing an extensive caseload of matters related to abused and neglected children. The candidate is active in organized bar associations and is highly regarded by members of the bench and bar. She is intelligent, focused and displays a temperament exhibiting patience, open-mindedness, tact and humility. She possesses the highest combination of legal ability, experience and integrity. The commission is confident the candidate is capable of outstanding performance as a Superior Court of Pennsylvania judge and highly recommends her candidacy.

Read the candidate’s questionnaire.

See the candidate’s signed Judicial Candidate’s Pledge.

Judge Patrick F. Dugan
Rating: Not Recommended (for failure to participate)

Judge Timika R. Lane
Rating: Highly Recommended

The candidate has served on the Court of Common Pleas in Philadelphia County since 2013. Her trial court experience is extensive. She has overseen criminal appeals from the Philadelphia Municipal Court, presided over criminal cases in the Major Trials program, and handled investigative grand jury matters. Currently, she is assigned to the court’s Civil Trial Division, handling civil motions and jury/bench trials. The candidate’s writing is well-reasoned, clear and concise. Prior to her tenure on the court, she spent more than a decade in private practice with a majority of her practice related to family law. She also previously served as a public defender, civil arbitrator, child advocate and chief counsel. She demonstrates her commitment to the legal profession by serving as an instructor for continuing legal education courses and other educational activities. The candidate has extensive community involvement, demonstrating her commitment to public service. The commission is confident the candidate is capable of outstanding performance as a Superior Court of Pennsylvania judge and highly recommends her candidacy.

Read the candidate’s questionnaire.

See the candidate’s signed Judicial Candidate’s Pledge.

Judge Harry F. Smail Jr.
Rating: Recommended

The candidate has served as a Westmoreland County Court of Common Pleas judge since 2014. Prior to his service on the bench, the candidate was a sole practitioner in Greensburg, Pennsylvania, for many years representing clients in a wide range of civil, criminal, employment and family litigation at both the state and federal levels. As a judge, he has been thorough in overseeing complex civil litigation and orphans court matters. He is well respected by the legal community and is regarded as well-prepared to hear the diverse matters before him when presiding over his courtroom. The commission found his legal writing to be well-reasoned, clear and concise. The candidate has given time to an array of cultural, community and professional organizations. Based on his extensive background, legal ability and temperament, the commission believes the candidate possesses the skills required to capably serve at the appellate level and recommends his election to the Superior Court of Pennsylvania.

Read the candidate’s questionnaire.

See the candidate’s signed Judicial Candidate’s Pledge.


Megan L. Martin
Rating: Recommended

The candidate served as a law clerk in the Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas before working as a special assistant to the Governor’s Office of General Counsel. She then worked as deputy director of the Governor’s Office of Public Liaison, special assistant to the governor and assistant counsel for the Office of General Counsel, U.S. Navy. She served for 10 years as secretary-parliamentarian and the Right to Know Law appeals officer for the Senate of Pennsylvania. The candidate has taught legal subjects at a community college and a law school, is an active member of the Pennsylvania and other bar associations, and volunteers for community organizations. The candidate’s writings are clear, concise, persuasive and provide thoughtful analysis of the facts and applicable rules and law. She has presented cases in administrative settings. The candidate’s substantial administrative law experience will serve her well as a Commonwealth Court judge and, therefore, the commission recommends her as a candidate.

Read the candidate’s questionnaire.

See the candidate’s signed Judicial Candidate’s Pledge.

Bryan S. Neft
Rating: Recommended

The candidate has been a lawyer for 32 years and is licensed to practice in Pennsylvania, California, Ohio and West Virginia. Early in his career, he served for approximately four years as a law clerk for a Superior Court judge, drafting extensive memoranda on a wide variety of civil and criminal matters. The candidate has argued cases before the Commonwealth, Superior and Supreme courts of Pennsylvania in cases covering multiple areas of law. He possesses sufficient skills as a litigator, including knowledge and experience regarding courtroom procedures and protocols. Among his peers, the candidate is viewed as hard working, honest and committed to equal justice, fairness and impartiality in the judicial system. The candidate has contributed to the legal profession by serving in leadership capacities for various bar associations. He also is actively involved with charitable organizations within his community. Based on all the qualifications above, the commission recommends the candidate for election to the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania.  

Read the candidate’s questionnaire.

See the candidate’s signed Judicial Candidate’s Pledge.

Joshua G. Prince
Rating: Not Recommended

The candidate has practiced law since 2009, first working in a general law practice for approximately two years before forming his own law firm. The candidate has developed a practice focused on civil rights litigation and administrative law, areas in which he also writes and teaches. The candidate has appeared before the bench in both civil and criminal matters in state and federal courts. The candidate has a record of community involvement and is held in high regard by colleagues and peers in the community and the bar. This background notwithstanding, the commission finds that the candidate lacks the depth and breadth of experience and preparation necessary to take on the commanding role of judge on the Commonwealth Court and, as a result, does not recommend his candidacy at this time.

Read the candidate’s questionnaire.

See the candidate’s signed Judicial Candidate’s Pledge.

Judge Matthew S. Wolf
Rating: Recommended

The candidate has served on the Philadelphia Municipal Court since 2018. He has adjudicated civil and criminal matters and has served as the Civil Division supervising civil judge. He has been a leader in seeking to clarify, create and improve rules and processes within the Municipal Court. Prior to joining the Municipal Court, the candidate practiced for more than 20 years as a plaintiffs litigation counsel in numerous legal actions, many involving employment and civil rights cases. His writing is clear and concise. The candidate has a history of public service. He served in the U.S. Army and the Pennsylvania National Guard. Based on the qualifications summarized above, the commission recommends the candidate for election to the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania.

Read the candidate’s questionnaire.

See the candidate’s signed Judicial Candidate’s Pledge.


Founded in 1895, the Pennsylvania Bar Association strives to promote justice, professional excellence and respect for the law; improve public understanding of the legal system; facilitate access of legal services; and serve the lawyer members of the state's largest organized bar association.

Editor’s note: Additional information about the PBA JEC can be found on the PBA website,, and the association’s voter information website,


Source: Pennsylvania Bar Association, 100 South Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101

Posted on: Feb 28, 2023

The autonomous and non-partisan Judiciary Committee of the Montgomery Bar Association, tasked with the obligation to pass objectively upon the qualifications of candidates for Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, has rated the following candidates Highly Recommended or Recommended.


Daniel G. Ronca                Joseph P. Walsh

These candidates possess superior qualifications to serve with distinction as Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.  They possess an exceptional level of integrity, good moral character, industry, legal ability and experience, courtroom experience, humility, and judicial temperament, to be rated HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.  These candidates, through these traits and their legal experience, their commitment to justice, the community, and the practice of law, have earned this HIGHLY RECOMMENDED rating from the Committee.  A candidate earns the rating of HIGHLY RECOMMENDED if eighty percent (80%) or more of the voting members of the Committee deem the candidate “Highly Recommended.”


David Dormont             John S. Han                 Mary C. Pugh

These candidates possess the qualifications to serve as Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.  Each candidate possesses the appropriate level of integrity, good moral character, industry, legal ability and experience, courtroom experience, humility, and judicial temperament, to be rated RECOMMENDED. Each candidate has the legal experience, the commitment to justice, the community and the practice of law, and the regard of the legal profession to be rated RECOMMENDED by the Committee.


Charles Rosenbaum

This candidate does not possess the qualifications to serve as Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, and is NOT RECOMMENDED.  The opinion of the Committee is that this candidate failed to sufficiently demonstrate the criteria for the office of Judge, which include integrity, good moral character, industry, legal ability and experience, courtroom experience, and judicial temperament, necessary to serve in the important public office of Judge of the Court of Common Pleas.  Further, the candidate possesses limited jury trial experience and engages in a limited practice area preventing the Committee from assessing his legal abilities pertinent to all criteria for the office of Judge of the Court of Common Pleas.  Therefore the candidate is NOT RECOMMENDED.  

Committee Note:  The Committee notified this candidate, Charles Rosenbaum, of his “Not Recommended” rating and, in accordance with the Committee’s rules, provided the candidate the opportunity to withdraw his candidacy for Judge without publication of the “Not Recommended” rating.  Mr. Rosenbaum agreed in writing to withdraw his candidacy for Judge and the Committee did not publish the “Not Recommended” rating at that time.  In breach of that agreement, Mr. Rosenbaum continued his candidacy for Judge, after representing to the Committee that he would withdraw his candidacy, which he did not do.  As a result of the continued candidacy for Judge by Mr. Rosenbaum, the Committee now publishes this “Not Recommended” rating for the candidate.

About the Montgomery Bar Association’s Autonomous Judiciary Committee

In its present form since 1965, the Committee is an autonomous, self-governing, committee within the Montgomery Bar Association charged with the obligation to pass upon the qualifications of every candidate for the office of Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, and to advise the public accordingly.  The Committee is composed of the Association’s ten most recent Past-Presidents as well as elected rotating panels of 24 of the Association’s members-at-large.  The Committee’s members are lawyers of diverse background, ages, practices and geographic areas of Montgomery County and hundreds of years of collective legal experience.

Posted on: Feb 1, 2023

The autonomous and non-partisan Judiciary Committee of the Montgomery Bar Association, tasked with the obligation to pass objectively upon the qualifications of candidates for Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, has rated the following candidates Highly Recommended or Recommended.


Daniel G. Ronca                Joseph P. Walsh

These candidates possess superior qualifications to serve with distinction as Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.  They possess an exceptional level of integrity, good moral character, industry, legal ability and experience, courtroom experience, humility, and judicial temperament, to be rated HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.  These candidates, through these traits and their legal experience, their commitment to justice, the community, and the practice of law, have earned this HIGHLY RECOMMENDED rating from the Committee.  A candidate earns the rating of HIGHLY RECOMMENDED if eighty percent (80%) or more of the voting members of the Committee deem the candidate “Highly Recommended.”


David Dormont             John S. Han                 Mary C. Pugh

These candidates possess the qualifications to serve as Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.  Each candidate possesses the appropriate level of integrity, good moral character, industry, legal ability and experience, courtroom experience, humility, and judicial temperament, to be rated RECOMMENDED. Each candidate has the legal experience, the commitment to justice, the community and the practice of law, and the regard of the legal profession to be rated RECOMMENDED by the Committee.

About the Montgomery Bar Association’s Autonomous Judiciary Committee

In its present form since 1965, the Committee is an autonomous, self-governing, committee within the Montgomery Bar Association charged with the obligation to pass upon the qualifications of every candidate for the office of Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, and to advise the public accordingly.  The Committee is composed of the Association’s ten most recent Past-Presidents as well as elected rotating panels of 24 of the Association’s members-at-large.  The Committee’s members are lawyers of diverse background, ages, practices and geographic areas of Montgomery County and hundreds of years of collective legal experience.

Posted on: Nov 16, 2022

The Montgomery Bar Association (MBA) Autonomous Judiciary Committee evaluates the qualifications of candidates for the Court of Common Pleas.

Individuals who are considering filing as a judicial candidate for any open seat on the Court of Common Pleas of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania in the 2023 primary election should obtain a copy of the Judicial Evaluation Questionnaire, and a copy of the committee's guidelines and bylaws. To receive these materials, contact the MBA by phone at 610-279-9660, ext. 206, by email at, or by writing to: Montgomery Bar Association, Attn: Judiciary Committee, 100 W. Airy Street, P.O. Box 268, Norristown, PA 19404.

Completed questionnaires must be received by close of business Wednesday, January 4, 2023. Complete questionnaires may be returned in PDF format via email to or by hand-delivery at the address above.

The ratings that are completed at each evaluation session will be announced at the conclusion of that session. Under the Committee's guidelines, any candidate who does not participate in the evaluation process will receive a "Not Recommended" rating. Candidate in-person interviews will be held on January 30, 2023.

About the Montgomery Bar Association’s Autonomous Judiciary Committee

In its present form since 1965, the Committee is a non-partisan autonomous, self-governing, committee within the Montgomery Bar Association charged with the obligation to pass upon the qualifications of every candidate for the office of Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, and to advise the public accordingly. The Committee is composed of the Association’s ten most recent Past-Presidents as well as elected rotating panels of 24 of the Association’s members-at-large. The Committee’s members are lawyers of diverse background, ages, practices and geographic areas of Montgomery County and share nearly 1,000 years of collective legal experience.

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