About the Foundation

Mission Statement

Our mission is to improve, facilitate and support justice and fair treatment for all.


About the Montgomery Bar Foundation

Montgomery Bar Foundation is the charitable arm of the Montgomery Bar Association. Since 1987, the Bar Foundation has supported law-related educational, charitable, and humanitarian projects throughout Montgomery County. Grants awarded by the Foundation have been used to help the elderly, homeless, victims of domestic violence, troubled and underprivileged youth, and many other individuals and families in need. We are not currently accepting grant applications. If you would like your organization to be considered for future grant opportunities, please contact us.


Supporting Our Mission    

Members of our legal community and their families are strongly encouraged to "do their part" and ensure their own legacy of justice with the help of the Bar Foundation. The Bar Foundation solicits grant applications and awards grants after careful review. Grants are awarded to those causes which are most deserving and best aligned with our Mission. In addition to its grants, the Bar Foundation works with families, law firms and others wishing to pay tribute to those who have truly made a difference in our legal community. For example, each year since 1986 the Foundation honors the late Judge Moss by presenting The Honorable Milton O. Moss Public Service Award to a Montgomery County resident who has provided exceptional service in support of the justice system. The Honorable Louis D. Stefan Award -- another example, recognizes excellence in law enforcement. The Foundation also hosts and sponsors a variety of important events each year to raise funds and/or awareness for important causes.



Click here to view the Montgomery Bar Foundation Bylaws, as adopted by the Board of Trustees on June 12, 2023