
LRS Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Update My Panels After I Become A Member?

  • You can easily update or change your LRS Panels selections while Joining or Renewing
  • If you need to update your panels in the mid year, please contact the LRS Team to request an update

My Insurance Has Expired Or I Need to Submit My Updated Documents?

  • All you need to do is submit your new documentation on your MemberUpdate page.
  • Please note that this is not instantaneous, our LRS needs to review your updated documentation and will make the changes on your record. 

How Do I Renew/Pay My LRS Membership?

  • If you're a MBA Member, your LRS Membership will be included in MBA Membership Renewal Process
  • You can check your current LRS Membership on your Referral Center page.

How Do I Update My Cases Online?

If You Are Retaining/Or Closing A Pending Case:

  1. Locate the referral under the My Referrals Tab and click the link
  2. At the top right of the referral you will see buttons for Retain Referral or Close Referral
       a.) If you are retaining the case, select Open - Under Investigation/Fees Anticipated
       b.) If you are closing the case, select the matching the closing status.
            - Not sure which status to use? Review our LRS Referral Map

If Your Open Case Is Complete:

  1. Locate your case under My Retained Cases
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the referral and you will see Case Status
  3. Select the correct Closed status that matches your case

How Do I Make A Payment Online For An Open Case?

  • You can only make payments to cases that are in:
    • Open
    • Closed - Extra Fee
  • If your case is still in Pending - Referral Sent to Attorney, see the How to Update my Cases? answers. 

To Make A Payment:

  1. Search in your My Retained Cases or My Referral/Case History for the referral in question and click on the case
  2. Scroll down to Fee Information
  3. Enter any Filing and Office Expenses
  4. Enter in the total amount received from the client. Our system will automatically calculate what you owe to the LRS Service
  5. When finished, make sure to check the affirmation and then Record Fee
  6. You will see a popup asking you to confirm the amounts entered. Press ok to proceed. 
  7. The screen will refresh and you will see the calculated fee for based on the amount entered
  8. If you are ready to enter the payment, click the check box to the right of the line and then click Make Payment
  9. This will take you to the payment screen so that you can pay by credit card or affirm that you are sending a check in

Do I Need To Reopen A Case To Make Additional Payments?

  • No, if you are just entering supplementary payments from the client, you can leave the status as closed and just record additional payments. 

Do I Need To Pay In Full Or Can I Make Ongoing Payments?

  • Currently you can only pay in full if using a Credit Card. If you need to make smaller payments, please submit those by check to the MBA. 

A Closed/Non Retained Case Has Come Back, How Do I Re-Open My Referral?

  • Locate the case in your My Referral/Case History and open it. At the top right hand corner you will see a button through which you can use to re-open the case.

Why Do I Seeing All My Open Cases In My Monthly Report Instead Of Just The Previous Month's?

  • In our new system we are trying to keep a better track of all assigned cases so we are asking you to review and updated all cases currently assigned to you. 

How Do I Mark Cased That Are Still Open or Have No Changes?

  • If a case is still open or has no changes at this time, please leave it in its current status online. 
  • If filling out the monthly document to return to the LRS, please reiterate its current status. 


Still Have Questions? Email our LRS Team Now

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