
MBA Member Directory

Kearney, Mark
US District Judge for the Eastern District of PA

6613 U.S. Courthouse
601 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106

Phone: 267-299-7688
Areas of Practice: Banking Law, Commercial Law, Federal Court Practice, Litigation
Title: Judge
Practice Type: Judge - State/Federal
Bio: Judge, United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania; formerly managing shareholder, co-hiring Shareholder, Officer and Director, Elliott Greenleaf, P.C. in its Blue Bell and Wilmington offices focusing on commercial, employment, class, derivative and shareholder litigation; graduate of Villanova University and its law school, and presently serving on the Board of Consultors of Villanova Law School; following law school, he served as the law clerk to the Delaware Court of Chancery and became a member of the Bars of the US Supreme Court, State of Delaware, and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, including the federal and state trial and appellate courts; repeatedly recognized by Thomson Reuters as a Top 100 lawyer in Pennsylvania and Philadelphia and as one of 50 Benchmark Litigation Stars in Pennsylvania, he is the principal author of over ten law review articles and legal articles on fiduciary duties published in the USA and Europe; a seven-year director and President of the Pennsylvania Bar Institute (PBI), Recipient of the MBA's Henry Stuckert Miller Award (2011), the PA Bar's Chief Justice John P. Flaherty Award (2012) , exemplary Pro Bono Award (2012) and Montgomery Bar Trial Lawyer of the Year (2014), he is the former President of the Montgomery Bar Association (2009) and the President (2010-2011) and Vice President (2012-2014) of the Montgomery Bar Foundation; MBA director (2002-2005), the long-time co-chair of the MBA's Federal Courts Committee, nine year member of the Bar's Executive Committee and founding member of the MBA's Diversity Committee; he is a continuing participant in the MBA Civics Education Program; he is a former two-term hearing committee member of the PA Supreme Court's Disciplinary Board; a director and member of the Executive Committee of the Historical Society for the US District Court for the Eastern District of PA; appointed by the US District Court in 2012 to the Lawyers Advisory Committee of the Judicial Council for the US Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit; former director of several publicly traded corporations and chair of their Audit Committees; the founding and eight-year Chairperson of the Welcoming Center for New Pennsylvanians; he is anMCAP Advocate and former MCAP director, PA Bar Foundation Lifetime Member, Lifetime Fellow of the Montgomery Bar Foundation, member of the board of directors of Legal Aid of Southeastern PA; Man of Malvern (29 years); Pennsylvania Society (27 years).

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