
MBA Issues Statement Condemning Violence Against Asian American & Pacific Islander Community - MBA Blog

MBA Blog

Posted on: Apr 19, 2021

MBA Issues Statement Condemning Violence Against Asian American & Pacific Islander Community

The Montgomery Bar Association (MBA) strongly condemns the violent and hateful acts against members of the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community. Although violence against the AAPI community is not new, recent media attention, particularly around the horrific mass shooting in Atlanta, has brought the issue into our nation's consciousness. We offer our sincere condolences to the victims of all hate crimes and their families. The MBA stands in solidarity with the AAPI community, and we encourage anyone who suffers or witnesses any such acts of violence, intimidation, or hate speech to step up and speak out.

As an association of attorneys focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion, it is our obligation to ensure that we do everything in our power to end racism, bias, or hatred of any sort, and to ensure equal and fair access to justice for everyone in our community.